Mariia    ID: 2344283

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Age:  37
Birth Date:  02/06/1987
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  168
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Economist
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Beginner
Other languages:
Residence:  Brussel, Belgium
Date the dating partner of your dreams: Ukrainian dating partner Mariia from Brussel
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
🦋 There is such an expression: How much you don’t trust, it turns out you should have distrusted even more😆 This is partly true, BUT... if you don’t trust and don’t believe in people, then you yourself lose a lot! It's like not believing in miracles. Or to God. Imagine that you live and believe in God all your life. Well, believe in yourself and believe, you will die, and it will turn out that there is no God. Have you lost something from this?I believe in God, and in miracles, and in goodness, good people, and that's why I meet with them. Yes, I often encounter betrayal, disappointment, hypocrisy, devaluation, ugly behavior and gossip behind my back, but there are many good things in my life. Briefly about myself: Sweet, but not with everyone, Kind, but only with those who are kind to me, a sincere girl. I hope for a positive experience of dating here, because I really want to find a loved one👥
It has always been important for me to develop while I was young. It was important for me to start earning and at that time to be independent at least from my parents. My work allows me to feel independent, but it is routine and when I have free time, I try to radically switch to rest for myself, doing what brings pleasure. I am fond of growing flowers, I have a lot of plants at home. Of course, I take care of myself, play sports and try to stick to a healthy diet, although I often break my food taboos, as I have a sweet tooth😉🍧
Her Type of Man:
A person who has made himself, who has achieved high success on his own, without anyone's help, will approach me. He really knows what he wants, and achieves all the goals set for himself, even if these goals seem unattainable. He is confident and strong, but at the same time gentle, but only with me. I need a man who wants to admire, and I will do it every day🔥

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