Aliona    ID: 2004693

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Age:  35
Birth Date:  04/01/1990
Horoscope Sign:  Capricorn
Height:  169
Weight:  54
Eye Color:  Green
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Teacher
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Odesa, Ukraine
Gorgeous women and man pictures, Ukrainian Partner photo: Aliona from Odesa
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I think, i am a real woman. i can be serious, like a strict teacher, but can be passionate and playful, like a small kitten, can comfortable settle on you lap, but can also release my claws😽 I work as deputy director (head teacher) at an economic school and also work there as a teacher of physics and mathematics. Oh yes, i am very serious woman, but you know, i like to be childish so much sometimes!!! In me lives a craving for adventure and sensual enjoyment. You probably want to know which one? Well, text me and I'll tell you. I am an expert in everything sensual💋
i am a big footbal lover. i like Donezk Shachtar, loved Barcelona till recent time and always watch football, with salted fish, chips and non-alcoholic beer (I don't like alcohol):) I enjoy traveling, have been to Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Egypt, Turkey. I am sure, with the time my list of the travelings will be bigger and hope, more interesting, as i plan to travel with my soul mate) I like reading books and Scrap know, i have a special hand made journal, where i put all the clippings from books of erotic content, and some pictures. Wanna read it with my man and maybe to try something together😻
Her Type of Man:
I wanna find a man, who will allow me to feel a real woman. I want to find a reliable partner, whom i can trust, who will not betray me. I am family oriented woman, i dream about stability, love, passion and soul connection, which is possible to build only having a mutual love to each other.

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