Jelisaveta    ID: 2083213

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Age:  27
Birth Date:  09/05/1997
Horoscope Sign:  Taurus
Height:  160
Weight:  45
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Designer
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Divorced
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Tallinn, Estonia
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: date Russian Partner Jelisaveta from Tallinn
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
Am I a peculiar girl? Because every morning I wake up, there is a new song in my head. I am not even kidding, it is the truth, my brain seems to set itself on a certain track and rhythm since the very morning. On one hand, it is nice to feel like I am in a real-life musical, but on the other hand, sometimes it feels lonely to dance to this music all on my own. No one to accompany me in a slow dance or catch me if I fall, figuratively, but I still have hope about the fact that true love still exists and that my solo performances will not have to be solo very soon. I love chatting with friends. It energizes me. Each new message is a new life experience. This morning, for example, a friend wrote to me that she is pregnant. After that, we talked with her for 30 minutes and I am happy that I was able to share her emotions at this moment. In the modern world, especially now, when we are forced to sit at home, observing quarantine, we cannot manage a lot of offline communication. Chat, cha
fitness, chatting with friends, swimming, walking by the sea
Her Type of Man:
We will never have a perfect relationship. I will enrage you with my excessive activity. You will want to seat me on the sofa next to you and watch movies hugging, and I will break free to see the world and find adventure on my ... you know ) Or maybe it will be on the contrary? That will be I who extinguish your impulses. We cannot be absolutely identical, because we are not robots. However we can compromise and respect each other's desires. I do not promise you a 100% harmony, but I promise to love you and take care of you until death do us part )) Almost sworn speech came out. What do you think?

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