Inna    ID: 2049426

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Age:  41
Birth Date:  04/11/1983
Horoscope Sign:  Scorpio
Height:  166
Weight:  53
Eye Color:  Hazel
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Advertisement Agent
Education:  University degree
Russian Orthodox
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Fluent
Other languages:
Residence:  Kishinev, Moldova
Date the dating partner of your dreams: Inna, from Moldova dating partner
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
Few simple words about myself) Guess in general I am positive even now during global quarantine and crises)) have smile on my face))) try not to give up) go ahead and believe in good in people)) But you?? Can you see your life next to such a woman as I am??
Gyming, snorkelling, cooking, movies and books.
Her Type of Man:
I just need a good guy with big heart to me and animals)). He has to be forceful enough to tame me or brave to share all the crazy stuff! Well, I am looking for someone whom I can make happy. I want my man to express his affections and emotions well. It is just a man who will never stop working on our relationship even in the low periods. I would like my man to want to be with me every minute. I am a very free spirited and spontaneous, so I would love my man to be a little bit similar to me in this. Are you a bit adventurous?) Can you be spontaneous?)) The most important he must love kisses)) haha

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