Tetiana    ID: 2330963

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Age:  27
Birth Date:  21/07/1997
Horoscope Sign:  Cancer
Height:  168
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Hazel
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Student
Education:  Student
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Poltava, Ukraine
Gorgeous single women and man: Tetiana from Poltava, gallery, Partner, Russian
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I easily communicate with people, I can keep up the conversation. The reason for my kindness to people and love is my emancipation. Now I'm studying, I'm a future biologist. I am passionate about my profession. I feel that there is a lot of love and passion in me. Which I will gladly share with a man with whom I will have a mutual feeling.
I am fond of sports and beauty. I take care of myself. I love cooking seafood and baking delicious cakes. I just started traveling to other countries and realized that I really like it. Sometimes I spend evenings in noisy companies, and sometimes at home wrapped in a blanket. The most favorite pastime in the evening is reading an interesting book and learning foreign languages.
Her Type of Man:
I like everything erotic. Romance, lit candles and beautiful lace underwear are close to my nature. My fantasy is how I am alone with my beloved or at a noisy party and we understand each other from the floor of a glance. We are drawn to each other, and we enjoy it. Maybe you want the same.

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