Olga    ID: 2342632

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Age:  30
Birth Date:  12/06/1994
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  171
Weight:  67
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Beautician
Education:  University degree
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Intermediate
Other languages:
Residence:  Kiev, Ukraine
Gorgeous single women and man: beautiful Russian Partner Olga from Kiev
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
I'm Olga, a sweet and loveable blonde. I work wonders as a hair extension master. Roller skating is my hidden talent, even if it's not as popular these days. Emmy, my adorable kitty, joins me on walks, and we've become best pals with the park squirrels. Early mornings at 6 am, you'll find me stretching and rejuvenating. (Then it's back to bed!)
In my free time, I like to visit with my family. We often go to the cinema and theaters. Recently, the world of board games has opened up for us. We even have a plan for a month in advance of what games we will play :)
Her Type of Man:
I don't expect anything from a man. I am sure that if he loves me, he will be perfect for me as I am for him. But I look at his eyes first. They'll tell me everything.

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