Viktoriia    ID: 2220694

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Age:  28
Birth Date:  22/02/1996
Horoscope Sign:  Pisces
Height:  167
Weight:  46
Eye Color:  Hazel
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Fitness Trainer
Education:  University (unfinished)
Russian Orthodox
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Occasionally
English Speaking Skills*:  Fluent
Other languages:
Residence:  Odesa, Ukraine
Gorgeous Singles only, Russian Singles picture: Viktoriia from Odesa
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
At my core, I'm a fitness trainer. I love guiding people towards their health goals and seeing them transform, not just in body, but in spirit too. It's more than just a job for me; it's my passion. When I'm not in the gym, you'll probably find me in front of a camera. Photoshoots are my little escape, a space where I can express a different side of me. I truly believe in making life better and simpler for everyone. Every day, I strive to spread positivity, both through my work and just by being me. Here's to embracing life with all its ups and downs!
Fitness trainer by day, amateur photo model by... well, whenever the lighting's right! πŸ“ΈπŸ’ͺ I absolutely adore what I do – shaping bodies and minds, one squat at a time. When I'm not bossing people around in the gym (all in good fun!), I'm usually out exploring or causing a minor disaster in the kitchen (who knew baking needs precision?).πŸ™ˆYou'll often find me lost in a book, or sometimes just lost because I'm also a 'no-map-needed' traveler. I have a tiny obsession with collecting funky socks and, fun fact, I can't whistle or snap my fingers, but I dance like no one's watching! Life's too short for 'maybes', so I'm all in for a good laugh, new experiences, and of course, more socks. Let's chat and swap some fun stories!
Her Type of Man:
I'm searching for a man with a golden heart, someone whose laughter is infectious and whose integrity shines. He should be someone who isn't afraid of dancing in the rain or singing off-key in a karaoke booth. I'd love a man who's kind, not just to me but to waiters, to animals, and to strangers in the street. His strength should come from his spirit, his humility, and his passion, not just his physical prowess. Above all, he should be genuine. In a world filled with facades, I yearn for authenticity. A man who's real, raw, and ready to share life's highs and lows, knowing we're in this journey together.

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